One Page in Ashley's Diary
October 2006

This was my first visit to Romania and it has been a very memorable and eye-opening experience. I found it very strange that there is such a contrast between lifestyles - there are rich and there are poor, and doesn't appear to be anything in between.

We visited an extremely poor family living in shocking
circumstances; however 10 minutes away was a grand shopping centre much bigger than our own back in Scotland! The contrast was unbelievable!
Even in the hospital there were extremely good areas which have been renewed and made over, whereas other areas were run-down and in much need of being renewed. It was very clear how much work Sister and her project have put in to the hospital and the difference they have made!

I have very much enjoyed my visit and hope to return again in the near future to see what progress has been made. I will take away
many things from this experience, the main thing being the
realisation of how lucky our lives are in Scotland. I hope to learn to appreciate the smaller things in life, the things that we often take for granted and finally, as Traian said, do things today! Do not wait until

Ashley Taylor